TOAST is a participatory-performance-meets-science-fair that explores invention and discovery, the development of technology, and the intricate networks that weave us together. It distills ingredients for innovation and applies them in a multimedia, participatory performance that fully and transparently harnesses the audience as an integral resource for the completion of the show in performance.
A secret society of inventors invites the audience to collaboratively push the boundaries of our current technology and explore the awesome potential of group innovation.
The rolling-venue premiere in Washington, DC will have 21 performances in 7 venues and feature 17 performers and over 1,200 audience members... meaning you will never experience the same Toast twice... ever.
Young Americans” [Pilot series] Principle role – Jaybird, Apothecary Studios, Richmond, VA, 2013. Directed by John Black
“Who Do I want to be?” PSA [Spanish version] Principle Role – Ogilvy Washington via NAB, Baltimore MD, 2013
That’s Super! [Pilot series] Series Regular - Apathy Man/Tom, Chicago, IL. 2009, Directed by Danny Shannon